Package-level declarations


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data class Current(val time: String, val temp: Double, val humidity: Int, val feelsLike: Double, val precipitation: Double, val weather_code: Int, val windSpeed: Double, val pressure: Double)

Ktor serializable class for the weather data. Contains the current weather data.

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data class Daily(val time: List<String>, val weatherCode: List<Int>, val maxTemps: List<Double>, val minTemps: List<Double>, val sunrise: List<String>, val sunset: List<String>, val uvIndex: List<Double>, val rainAmount: List<Double>, val rainChance: List<Int>, val windSpeed: List<Double>)

Ktor serializable class for the daily weather data.

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data class Hourly(val time: List<String>, val temps: List<Double>, val feelsLike: List<Double>, val weatherCode: List<Int>)

Ktor serializable class for the hourly weather data.

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data class Location(var latitude: Double, var longitude: Double)

Data class for location. Latitude and longitude are rounded to closest 500m to reduce cache size and api requests.

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data class WeatherData(val daily: Daily, val current: Current, val hourly: Hourly)

Ktor serializable class for the weather data.